Addis Ababa Diocese has been establish next to Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church Secretariat office based on the church structure in the capital city of the country and is undertaking its activity. The office is a huge which carryout multi-dimensional activities in a strengthen way. Previously Addis Ababa Diocese was named as ShoaHagereSibket up to 1981 and it compromise including Addis Ababa 12 regions.To mention some:
- Menagesha region
- Fiche Silassie region
- Jibate and Mecha region
- Chobogurage region
- Kenbata region
- YererKoreyo region
- ZewayAdami Tulu region
- Month and Gishe region
- Merhabete region
- Tegulet and Bulga region
- Yefat and Tumuga region
Previously, through the good will of Ethiopian Orthodox TewahidoChurch and emperors individuals were used to be send to Eskndria in order to be appointed bishop title. The first Ethiopian be shop was Aba Fermenatos and his title was “Archbishop of Axum and the whole Ethiopia” after him it was decided that Ethiopian Orthodox Church shall be administered under Eskndria Church Holy Synods having one diocese. This lasts for more than 1000 years during the era of emperor Zeriakob in 1438 Abunegebrieal was appointed by the Egyptian Patriarch John the 14th to be an Archbishop of Shoa Diocese. Next during the era of emperor Yohannes in 1874 Abunematios was appointed to be an Archbishop of Shoa Diocese.
The mentioned bishops and Archbishops have served the diocese during their term. Ethiopian Orthodox TewahidoChurch began to establish its own diocese when a patriarch was appointed from Ethiopia in 1943. The first Ethiopian Patriarch was His Holiness AbuneBasleyos,AbuneGorgorios the 1st was appointed to be an Archbishop of Shoa for the first time. Following this shoa diocese was used to be administered by a considerable number of Sagas and religious elite as a manager. When population increased and towns expand in 1981 Addis Ababa diocese was founded and beginning from that period till now it is administrating Addis Ababa church minsters/servants and priests.
For instance, out of the managers who have administered and still administrating Addis Ababa in a bishop level are:
- Abune Gorgorios2nd
- Abune Bernabas
- Abune Yakob
- Abune Matias
- Abune Mekarios
- Abune Epifanios
- Abune Lukas
- Abune Samuel
- Abune Kewsetos
- Abune Hizkiel and Abune danail
- Abune Estifanos
- Abune kelemtos
As a manager
- Like KahenatSinkeDebela
- MelakeSelamGohaTsibah W/Hawariat
- Like Seltanat Abba GebremrialmAtsibeha
- Like Seltanat Abba G/Mariam Feleke (AbuneFilipos)
- Like Kahnat Haile SilassieAlemayehu
- Like KahnatBirhanu G/Amanuel
- MelakeSelam Abba G/Michael Beyene (AbuneEstifanos)
- Like KahnatHailesilassieAlemayehu
- MelakeSelam Aba G/Michael Beyene (AbuneEstifanos)
- Like SeyoumanRadeAsres
- Melakegenet Abba HailemariamMewded
- AlekaMekonnen G/Medhin
- Memhir Abba Tekeste W/Samuel (Abune Samuel)
- MelakeTsehay Abba TeklehiwotMahtsentu
- Like MamranMekuriaDesalegn
- Like MamranFantahunMuche
- Nebred Abba G/Silassie
- Nebred Elias Abrehaare
- like Hiruian Sertse Abebe,Melake Tsion Abba Hiruy,Nibured Abba Yohans and melake selam Dawit yared(when Diocese divided in to 4 dioceses )
- Megabe Hadis Yilma Chernet
- Like Alelaf Belay Mekonnen
- like Maemiran Yemane zemenfeskidus
- Mr.Goitom Yainu(The Current General Manager of the Diocese) some of them that we can mention with. Monasteries as well as Churches which are administered under Addis Ababa Diocese become increased from time to time and at present it administered more than 172 monasteries as well as Churches and religious followers which goes to millions and priests of thousands as well as different employees. The diocese with its multi activity and administration tasks is also exerting its maximum effort to participate in the state social, public, administrational as well as developmental activities.
Specially before three years, in order to restructure the diocese with efficient, speedy as well as modern working procedure an activity was carried out Abune Samuel with the good will of His Holiness AbunePaulos. Following this a three story modern building was able to be constructed which is very attractive.
The modern building place its role in facilitating and making the working procedures of monasteries as well as Churches to be smoothes and put its base for the Ethiopian Orthodox TewahidoChurch Followers to follow a modern working procedure, efficient, well aware, transparency and accountability working procedures. This put its interesting base for surfacing a modern working procedure leaving behind the backward working procedure.
Addis Ababa has diocese was divided in to 4 dioceses which were North, South, East and West dioceses.
Now The diocese has become to one and the Previous sttucture which is Addis Ababa diocese.